Monday, 30 July 2012

SEHPORA ,GANDERBAL ,J&K Contact No:-9697412110

            At New Delhi Public School, Sehpora ,District Ganderbal , Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. NDPS believes that love for education should be developed for children in initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life.
A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group co-ordinator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework. Development of oral and written expression is emphasized upon. Home assignments are not a carry-over of classwork but oriented towards honing individual talents.

Fees related Details

                 On or before 15th each month. Fees will be deposited in the office of  the Accountant / Casher New Delhi Public School Sehpora  from Monday to Friday. Defaulters will pay the fees along with the fine on and from 15th to 27th of the month. No fees will be collected on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Please note that defaulters will have to pay a fine of Rs.20/- only, after the 15th of every month. Parents or Guardians will submit the due fees along with the due fine at the counter. After the 27th of every month no fees will be taken. If the fees are not paid for two consecutive months the name of the defaulter will be struck off the roll. Fee of RS.100/ - will be charged at the time of re-admission. Loss of fee card will entail a fee of Rs.20/- for a duplicate copy. Fees are to be paid in advance for Winter  vacations.

Caution money deposit
               Guardians / Parents are requested to keep the first admission receipt very carefully. No caution deposit will be allowed unless and until this receipt is shown. Each and every student has to complete one full session to get the refund of caution money. In the event of student leaving the school before completing the full session for any reason whatsoever the caution deposit made on his/her account will stand forfeited.
Fee once paid is not refundable
                   The NDPS  covers 12 calendar months. No deduction in tuition fees / any other charges is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils are liable to pay fees as long as their names have not been struck off the rolls. One full calendar month's notice must be given to the Principal in writing by the guardian or a month's full fees paid before a pupil may be withdrawn from the school. Fee card should be submitted to the class teacher 7 days before the distribution of progress cards. All fees due to the school should be paid on or before 1st  of  November .
Please note that fees will not be accepted after 10th of  November. The annual report of the student who have not paid all the arrears will not be announced nor a transfer certificate be issued before all dues are fully paid. Loss of progress card will entail a fine of RS.20/- for a duplicate copy.
             New Delhi Public School, Sehpora ,Ganderbal is affiliated with the NDPS ,185-C Friends Colony New Delhi and is duly Recognized by the Director School Education Kashmir  up to 8th classes .
                 We aim to preserve and enhance the highest standards of  excellence and prepare generations for the 21st century.

     Waiting for your suggestions, healthy criticism and feedback.

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